Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Brayden's Baptism

The forecast called for rain, but it turned out to be a beautiful day for Brayden's Baptism! Too bad, his teeth thought it was the perfect day to come in as well...

Here are some pictures from his big day!

With Fr. Joe before mass:

Getting water poured on his head...He didn't care for this too much!

A four generation picture with my dad and my grandpa (his father):

A four generation picture with my mom, grandma and papa (her parents):Brayden with his Godparent's, see how miserable he looked?
It's time to go to the Dr's...his cough just won't go away!

Monday, June 29, 2009

My First Blog

Hello blogging world!

This is my first attempt at the blogging life. I'm not quite sure what I will use this for, but it seems like a good way to keep track of milestones and memories.

Yesterday was Brayden's baptism. It was also the day he cut his first tooth. Can you say cranky baby? But everyone had a great time, and filled themselves up with food!

Time for work!